SPARK! Extension Toolkit for Creative Placemaking
SPARK! Extension Toolkit for Creative Placemaking

This publication, SPARK! Extension Creative Placemaking Toolkit, provides thirteen activities that Extension professionals can use to integrate creative placemaking efforts in extension programming. The activities can be offered alone or in sequence with other activities shared in the toolkit as part of creative placemaking endeavors in communities.
The thirteen creative placemaking activities were based on experiences and data from Kentucky to provide Extension educators with a working knowledge of arts and placemaking activities, evaluation indicators, scalable projects, and considerations for local policies. Eight activities are based on Arts Extension programming and five activities are based on community engagement efforts in projects. Each activity is structured to include a summary, background, process, outcome, key lessons, and a checklist and includes materials or example questions that educators can utilize to lead their own activities in their communities.
With this toolkit, Extension professionals, local leaders, and volunteers can expand on delivering nontraditional arts- and place-based programs and activities that can build creative placemaking knowledge for enhanced livability in their community. The culmination is to convey a community-empowering arts and design–focused planning process to engage communities, capture dialogue, and express creativity.
If you have questions about the toolkit reach out to Jayoung Koo, Associate Extension Professor, or Melissa Bond, Arts Extension Program Leader.
Creative Engagement Public Spaces Skills-Building Youth