Contact Information

Sarah Bowker
Managing Director

824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383


Coalition Resources

Coalition Resources

Coalition Resources

What are Health Coalitions?

Coalitions are created when a group of interested individuals or organizations with common interests or concerns agree to work together toward a common goal. Health Coalitions are often formed around one health issue such as reducing obesity or diabetes, reducing tobacco use or changing policies, for example: “Smoke free” cities or counties. Most recently, cities and counties are forming coalitions that address a number of health issues as identified from community health needs assessment from a local hospital or health department in order to create a healthier community. Are you a health coalition director, member, extension agent or other community partner? Please check out the resources below that will assist your health coalition (either new or existing) form, grow and move forward. Topics include: “Why form a coalition?,” handling conflict, decision making, and sharing your successes. Contact CEDIK if you need additional resources or “Coalition Coaching” in forming your coalition or with re-energizing your existing coalition work.

Contact Melody Nall, Extension Specialist at


Resources from UK Extension:

Why Form a Coalition

Understanding and Dealing with Conflict

Influencing Others with the Stories You Tell

Using a SWOT Analysis – taking a look at your organization


Additional Resources:

Rural Health Information Hub - The RHIhub is your guide to improving health for rural residents—we provide access to current and reliable resources and tools to help you learn about rural health needs and work to address them.

Kentucky Office Of Rural Health - The office provides a framework for linking small rural communities with local state and federal resources while working toward long-term solutions to rural health issues. The KORH assists clinicians, administrators and consumers find ways to improve communications, finances and access to quality health care while insuring that funding agencies and policy makers are made aware of the needs of rural communities.

Community Tool Box – Access practical, step-by-step guidance in community building skills. Access a simple model for taking action you can use for general guidance on assessing, planning, taking action, evaluating and sustaining your work.

Contact Information

Sarah Bowker
Managing Director

824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383
