Community Arts Disaster Recovery
Community Arts Disaster Recovery Resources
These resources help creative industry professionals navigate preparedness, response and aftermath of disaster recovery.
In-Person Workshop | Disaster Preparedness Workshop for Arts & Culture | FREE | McCracken County Extension Office, Paducah, Kentucky | Tuesday, April 1st, 2025, 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. CST
This workshop shares best practices in emergency preparedness for the arts and culture sector and the broader community, helping to ensure attendees can implement emergency planning strategies for their organizations. • Free for attendees • Breakfast and lunch included. • Registration limited. • Attendees receive a free subscription to dPlan, an online emergency planning tool for arts and culture organizations .• Open to anyone with artistic interests; ideal for individuals who host shows or special community events Register here.
An unexpected disaster can shake a community’s foundation and test the resilience and resolve of its residents and institutions. Community arts organizations, cultural centers and artrepreneurs may find themselves particularly impacted by weather-related, health or economic disasters. The Community Arts Disaster Recovery Series compiles targeted information and resources for the creative industries as they prepare for the unexpected, navigate the storms of disaster and wade through the aftermath of the recovery process.
Article | Arts Preparedness
Be pro-active and make a plan for disaster-readiness so that when tragedy does strike, you are better prepared and your losses can be minimized...
Learn MoreArticle | Damage Assessment, Claims, & Relief Aid
There are several resources available to guide artists and organizations through damage assessment, claims and relief aid as they navigate rebuilding within their communities...
Learn MoreArticle | Arts in Health Disaster Recovery
Art can be a pathway for recognizing common stress responses to trauma and can provide some beneficial ways to cope with it...
Learn MoreArticle | Artifact/Collections Response
Individuals and community organizations that steward cultural heritage may need additional planning and recovery resources to navigate the basics of disaster preparedness and response for these items...
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