Contact Information

Sarah Bowker
Managing Director

824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383


Webinar Series | Brownfield Redevelopment Program

Webinar Series | Brownfield Redevelopment Program


Interested in learning how the brownfield program can support your community’s redevelopment efforts? 

Join us in Frankfort on March 21st and 22nd at our two-day workshop to learn how to utilize services offered by the brownfield program. Learn the basics in our introductory track on day one and prepare for submitting a grant this fall with a deep dive on day two.

There is no cost to attend.

Register here

Brownfield Redevelopment Webinar Series


This monthly webinar series focuses on Brownfield redevelopment and downtown revitalization in Kentucky. The series features a variety of presentations and panels intended to help communities learn about the resources available for brownfield redevelopment and downtown revitalization more broadly. The webinars are intended to connect underserved communities throughout the commonwealth with redevelopment resources, technical assistance, new funding opportunities and inspirational stories of successful brownfield redevelopment efforts in Kentucky. 

This series is one of many opportunities offered through a partnership between the University of Kentucky’s Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK) and the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet’s (EEC) Department of Environmental Protection Brownfield Program. 

Learn more about this exciting partnership: 

Ag News Release    Brownfield Program Overview


Demystifying the EPA Brownfield Grant: What Communities Need to Know
Wednesday, March
26th at 1PM EST

Applying for an EPA Brownfield grant can feel overwhelming, but preparation is key. A strong grant application starts long before the deadline. And even before the next EPA Brownfield grant opportunity is announced, there are key steps communities can take to prepare. In this webinar, we’ll walk through past application processes and questions to highlight key focus areas you may want to consider as you prepare for the next funding opportunity.   



We encourage attendance to live webinars for the ability to pose questions and receive responses. However, for those who cannot, previous webinar recordings are posted below (linked through our YouTube channel) with topic keywords so you can select the ones most relevant to your community. Click to watch and learn about all the facets of developing brownfields in your community.

Brownfields for Beginners

Brownfield Program Overview, Best Practices, Benefits, Leveraging State Resources, Technical Assistance, How-To, Property Remediation. | Webinar recorded 06/28/2023


Blight to Bright – Brownfield Redevelopment Success in Kentucky

Working with Local Area Development Districts, Examples, Strategies, Collaboration with Stakeholders. | Webinar recorded 07/12/2023


The Long Game to Revitalization

Beattyville, KY, Kentucky River Terrain and Flooding, Visioning, Planning, Tourism Efforts, Infrastructure Investment, Cleanup Grant, Downtown Building Remediation. | Webinar recoded 08/23/2023


Is Your Community Revitalization Ready?

Community Readiness, Community Needs, Collecting Impacts, Redevelopment and Reuse Strategies, EPA Revitalization Ready Guidebook. | Webinar recorded 09/20/2023


Finding the Right Data to Tell Your Story

Sorting through Data, Locating Data, Telling Community Stories, Defining Community Need, EPA Brownfield Grant | Webinar recorded 10/25/2023


After the Grant Cycle - What's Next?

Thinking Beyond Grant Cycle, Leveraging Grant Application Value, What to Expect if Funded, How-to Prepare an Application. | Webinar recorded 11/29/2023


Ready, Set, Redevelop: Assessing Your Community's Preparedness

Is Your Community Prepared?, Your Starting Point, Community Readiness Assessments, Steps Forward, Community Capacity, Rural Placemaking Toolkit, Downtown Revitalization Playbook. | Webinar recorded 02/07/2024


Behind the Scenes: Exploring Team Member Roles and Interests

Diverse and Committed Teams, Collective Community Goals, Cultivating Shared Ownership for Greatest Impact, Types and Roles of Team Members. | Webinar recorded 03/06/2024


Building Bridges: Engaging Communities in Brownfield Redevelopment Assessments

Exploring Resources, Engaging Communities, Gathering Information, Developing Insights, Low-Cost and High Impact Engagement Options. | Webinar recorded 03/20/2024


Voices for the Future: Including Youth in Downtown Revitalization

Reactivating Downtown, 3 Ways to Engage Youth in Revitalization, Placemaking, Tips, Projects, Activity Sheets, Activating future Residents. | Webinar Recorded 04/17/2024


Progress Beyond Profit: Measuring Success of Your Redevelopment Efforts

Measuring Successful Projects, Indicators of Success, Re-Imagining what is Possible. | Webinar recorded 05/15/2024


Walking Audit Basics for Communities

Pedestrian Perspective, How to Conduct a Walking Audit, Increase Pedestrian Usage Downtown, Examples, Pedestrian-friendly Environments. | Webinar Recorded 06/25/2024


Competitive Procurement & Working with Contractors

Procurement, Working with Contractors, Procurement Options, Regulatory Requirements. | Webinar recorded 07/23/2024


Addressing Environmental Justice Concerns in Your Brownfield Application

Environmental Justice, Applying for Brownfield Funding, Application Evaluation. | Webinar recorded 08/28/2024


Brownfield Request for Proposals and What’s New for FY 2025

Brownfield Application Considerations, Overview of FY2025 RFPs, Updates/Changes to consider for this year. Features Derek Street, Land Revitalization Coordinator, US EPA - Region 4. | Webinar recorded 09/26/2024


Spring Decisions & Year-Round Opportunities

Funding Opportunities, Federal Brownfield Programs Guide, Office of Clean Energy’s Federal Energy Funding for Rural and Remote Areas guidebook. | Webinar recorded 11/25/2024


Kentucky's Brownfield Community Assistance Program (BCAP)

Getting Started, Community Benefit, Overview of Technical Support, Tools. | Webinar recorded 01/30/2025


Taking Stock of Your Community: Why a Building Inventory Matters

Underutilized and Vacant Buildings and Properties, Building Inventory Process, Importance of Current Building Inventory. | Webinar recorded 3/5/2025


Program Contact:

Shane Barton

Downtown Revitalization Coordinator, CEDIK

859-257-7272 824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383

Contact Information

Sarah Bowker
Managing Director

824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383
